The Art Of Seduction Free Pdf Download

The Art Of Seduction Free Pdf Download

 The Art Of Seduction
The Art Of Seduction
PDF NAME  The Art Of Seduction
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Seema Anand



The Art Of Seduction Free Pdf Download

The Arts of Seduction is a guide to having great sex in the twenty-first century. It seeks to make what has been largely reduced to an act of instant gratification a rather more pleasurable experience. Drawing inspiration from the Kama Sutra, whose groundbreaking attitudes towards sex remain relevant thousands of years after it was first composed, the book delves into numerous techniques and refinements that elevate sex to an altogether different level whether it is innovative codes for love messages, the effects of applying perfume to different parts of the body, the many different types of kissing, where and how to massage your lover?s feet or what kind of jewellery to wear during lovemaking.Accessible, sensuous and full of surprises, the Arts of Seduction will forever change the way you think about love and lovemaking.

 The Art Of Seduction Free Pdf Download

This book is a guide to having great sex in the twenty-first century. It seeks to transform what has largely been reduced to instant gratification into a rather more sensuous experience.

My motivation in writing this book is best summed up by this response by Dr Alex Comfort (translator of the Ananga Ranga) to a reader in the New Statesman: ‘Mr. Simon Raven finds sex an “overrated sensation which lasts a bare ten seconds” — and then wonders why anyone should bother to translate the erotic textbooks of medieval India. One good reason for doing so is that there are still people in our culture who find sex an overrated sensation lasting a bare ten seconds…’

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‘Mr. Simon Raven’ wasn’t alone in his way of thinking. Someone recently said to me, ‘All this seduction stuff is crap. Sex is hot and fast. When a lion has sex the female knows it…’ Except, we are not animals. Yes, it is possible to throw yourself on top of your partner and hammer your way to an ejaculation in a matter of seconds but, as journalist and author Yasmin Alibhai Brown says, ‘there is a difference between a fu*k and [an] experience’.

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